If you need support during a difficult time, please contact the HCOS Community Services Support Team:
The HCOS Community Services Team seeks to build on individual and family strengths, to work with families with dependent children, or Hawkesbury individual residents, to navigate their way through difficult times.
We believe that families and/or individuals themselves know best what support they need – so we work with them to identify their needs and goals.
HCOS Family Support is a free service to eligible individuals and families.
If you reside in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area and you are:
We assist you to have confidence in your own matters by offering information, advice and support, and information about and referral to other services.
These programs, groups and events can be accessed through community and individual expressions of interest.
You can refer yourself, or be referred by your school or via another organisation.
Our Community Service Team meets to review available staff and resources. If we are able to assist, we’ll determine who is the best fit for you.
A Community Services Team member responds to either you or your referring organisation, to make an appointment at a time and place that work best for you.
We can visit you at home, for example, or somewhere else where you feel safe.
As a HCOS client you have the right to:
HCOS Community Services are funded by the NSW Department of Communities & Justice.